Men’s Ministry:
The men’s ministry exists to provide a place for adult men 18 years and over to, share their joys and fears, defeats and victories. We bond with and build up one another by enhancing the bonds of unity among men. We establish spiritual growth through prayer, worship, fellowship and biblical teaching; this empowers men to have a strong spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. We will equip men for the Christian life so that we become spiritual role models at home, work, in the community and at church.
The men’s ministry meet for a time of fellowship from 9-10am every last Saturday of the month. Light refreshments will be served as well as a devotional. They are discussing what it looks like to be a Biblical man.
Women’s Ministry:
The women’s ministry of New Village Church exists in order to fulfill the mandate expressed in Titus 2, by providing an atmosphere in which women of all ages can grow in their walk with the Lord, develop nurturing relationships with one another, and involve themselves in service to others through the use of their talents and God-given abilities.
Join the women’s ministry as they work through the book “Living Victoriously in Difficult Times” by Kay Arthur and Bob & Diane Vereen starting in March 2025. They will meet in the prayer room at 7pm on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Books are available upon request for $6.
Click here to view our calendar to know when they meet next.