August 2023

Here I Am Lord

Acts 9:10-16

The Spirit of Revival

Ephesians 5:13-21

5 Convictions We Need as Christians

1. Our first allegiance belongs to God 2. The government authority must be obeyed 3. Doing good does more good than words I say 4. Prayers for all leaders is vitally important 5. Our lights shines the brightest the darker it gets

July 2023

Jesus’ Fourth Miracle

John 6:1-15

Jesus on Trial

John 5:30-47

Who is Jesus?

John 5:18-29

Legalism Exposed

John 5:1-18

A Desperate Father

John 4:43-54

June 2023

A Town Transformed

John 4:27-45 (Part 2/2 of The Woman at the Well)

A Biblical Husband

Ephesians 5:22-6:4